Julian Scott (1846-1901) 3rd Vermont Infantry.
Medal of Honor winner and listed American
artist. The following study sketches are from Scott's
sketch books. Provenance: Kramer Gallery, Minneapolis, MN, to Cowan’s Auction Company,
Cincinnati, OH, to Earl Robinson. |
Pencil Portrait. This haunting and
beautifully drawn portrait is marked Orion Caperon along with the dates
1812, 13, & 14. The subject is an older man wearing a uniform
overcoat with distinctive Confederate infantry "I"
buttons. I have found listings for Orion Capron on-line, but none
with Southern attributes. The identity of this man that Scott
obviously found worthy is at this moment unknown. It is dated 1864
and signed. |
$ |
900 |
JS28. Cavalry battle figural
study. This came out of Scott's sketch book and was likely finished
as part of an oil painting. Unsigned on artist's paper. |
$ |
350 |
JS06. Sketch of musicians taking a break
along a roadside. Scott was a fifer, but when the newspapers
mistakenly called him a drummer boy when he won the Medal of Honor, he did
nothing the rest of his life to correct the misperception. Unsigned
sketch on 1866 watermarked artist’s paper, 5" X 7". |
$ |
250 |
JS13. Figure Study. Partial action
poses of infantrymen and their accoutrements in action. 10 1/2 X 16"
unsigned and untitled. |
$ |
250 |
JS21. Figural Studies. Includes
drinking from a puddle and a rather risqué female at the lower
right. Scott used these when preparing for painting
compositions. Unsigned. |
$ |
350 |
JS12. Figural Studies: rallying the flag (two
sided). At left are scans of two figural studies on the front (top)
and a larger collage that is drawn on the reverse of this piece of
artist's paper. Unsigned. |
$ |
350 |
JS20. From Julian Scott's sketchbook c.
1875 is a pencil drawing of a West Point Cadet at attention with an
admiring lady looking on. 10 X 13" unsigned and untitled. |
$ |
400 |
JS25. c. 1875 pencil sketch of a
physical examine of recruits. A subject stands before the surgeon
while a scribe awaits the doctor's comments. A soldier in a M1872
helmet stands in the background while other recruits are in various stages
of undress. Fascinating content. 9 1/2 X 13 with second
version on reverse. |
$ |
600 |